Thursday, November 17, 2011

My Response to Jane Levy's Open Letter from

My Response to Jane Levy’s open letter

Read the Grantland Article before you read mine

First I want to open by saying in no way do my comments reflect the type of writer and thinker Jane Levy is.  Because I enjoy reading her articles and think she articulates her point very well.  With that said your open letter to Mike McQueary is completely asinine.  I will start at your ending where you invite the notion to put the Penn State Football Program on a one year death penalty.  A death penalty, for what?  Has the Penn State Program been found to violate any NCAA laws?  Have they been found to pay potential prospects in an attempt to persuade them to come to their school?  Have any current or former players been involved in this horrific and disgusting scandal?  The only question that can be answered with a yes is the last one and that is because of the then grad assistant Mike McQueary (But I will get to him later).  So, why then would we punish a football team, a program, and its student-athletes for something they had nothing to do.  The problem with this whole scandal is too much attention has been paid to the football program and people like Joe Paterno.  When really all of the questions should be directed at the one person who with his own two eyes witnessed a vile, and horrific sexual act being performed against a 10 year old boy; and instead of him doing what a normal 28 year old, which has any sense at all would do.  He walked away, silently.  He being the only person who could have stopped the sodomy chose to neglect a ten year old boy as he was in the midst of a monster.  And instead of talking about this in your open letter you talk about how tough it is to be a snitch.  How difficult it must have been for him to witness the sexual encounter and not know what to do.  Are you kidding me?  If I am 15 years old and I saw what he saw I would have first stopped it, and second told everyone I could.  But, no he decided to call his dad for guidance at the ripe old age of 28; and the next day tell Joe Paterno what he believed to have seen in the shower that day.  What is even worst now, is he had the audacity to give this statement to the Associated Press, “I did stop it, not physically … but made sure it was stopped when I left that locker room … I did have discussions with police and with the official at the university in charge of police … no one can imagine my thoughts or wants to be in my shoes for those 30-45 seconds … trust me."  How do you as a 28 year old say you did stop it not physically but when you left the locker room?  I remember you called your father.  And today we learned that neither the Penn State Police nor the State College, PA police have any knowledge of a sexual abuse report coming from you (McQueary) or about Sandusky.  So, instead of facing the criticism he not only hides but he lies.  He lies after all of these years he has kept his silence, and Sandusky has had the opportunity to rape and ruin the lives of more and more kids.  To Mike McQueary I will leave you with this.
 No, Mike McQueary I cannot imagine your thoughts or wanted to be in your shoes for those 30-45 seconds.  But think about the 10 year old boy who glances up to see your shocked face as he is helplessly wandering, wishing someone could come save him.  His eyes make contact with yours and he cries out for help as water fills his eyes for you to save him.  Meanwhile in that same breath, he is being thrust over, and over,  and over again by a sick sadistic former coach of yours.  And you look back at him and don’t utter word.  You don’t offer to help.  You instead turn your back on a child who so desperately in need of you.  For that Mike McQueary you are a coward and unlike Jane Levy I have no sympathy for you.  I hope one day you have to look back into those eyes of the ten year old boy, now a man, you abandoned  and tell him sorry.  Sorry for not protecting his childhood, sorry for not being his friend in need, and sorry for not being a bigger man and standing up for what you knew to be right.

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